
A spiritual retreat for Queer Pagan Men
and our Allies.

November 15-17, 2024

This year’s Arcadia retreat is in-person at a campground in Virginia Beach, VA.

Three retreat guests sitting on a tree

A weekend of Pagan exploration, Queer sensibility, and male bonding in an open, participatory, safe and sacred space.

Eric Eldritch

Guest Facilitator: Eric Eldritch

Eldritch is a Radical Faerie, Urban Mystic, and a Priestx of Stone Circle Wicca (USA), who lives near Washington, DC. Eldritch is a community organizer with leadership experience in organizational development based on principles of group identity, sociolinguistics, and cross-cultural relations. Drawing on over 20 years of experience in ceremonial and ecstatic forms of worship for ritual construction, he specializes in designing interfaith worship, planning spiritual retreats and leading men’s gatherings. In 2019, he was ordained Rev. E. Eldritch, by Circle Sanctuary and is a co-administrator for Circle’s Ministry Training Program. Eldritch consults with Pagan and community groups to create events that organize, energize, and inspire.

Those who dwell in Arcadia seek out that secret Eden because of its isolation from the troubled world and its safety from the arrogant demands of those who would deny freedom, curtail human action, and destroy innocence and love.

Byrne R.S. Fone

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