BBTB Schedule 2025
Times and workshops are tentative and subject to change. We will continue to add and edit this schedule as needed until the retreat begins.
All times listed are Eastern Standard Time.
April 19, 2025
10am-12pm - Nature Hike: Seeking Signs and Omens with Nightshade
Join Nightshade for a nature hike through the park while looking for signs and omens. Nightshade will provide an entertaining and informative presentation about nature signs and omens.
12pm -- Lunch
Hamburgers, Veggie burgers, assorted toppings, and chips. Cookies and fruit for dessert.
1pm -- Workshop #1: TBA
Join a local teacher who will talk about a method of divination.
3pm -- Divination Playshop
Explore various divination methods on the play table on your own or in a group. Participants are encouraged to bring their favorite divination decks, oracles, and tools to share with others.
4pm -- Ogham with Mel Mystery
Ogham is a Druidic method of divination involving symbols that are carved into wood. Create your own Ogham sticks and learn the basics of using them. You will get to keep the Ogham sticks you craft during the workshop.
6pm -- Dinner
Vegetarian chili, corn chips, and assorted toppings and hot sauces. Cookies and fruit for dessert.
7pm -- Drumming by the Fire
Join us as we end the evening drumming by the fire. Please bring a drum or other instruments - if you have them.